Monday, April 11, 2016

Linux, Microsoft, and computer stuff

Ladies and gentlemen. Some time ago my laptop fell from a shelf, and is no longer fully reliable, at least not in my eyes. I am currently using a new laptop, and I realized how amazing this opportunity actually is. After doing a backup of all old things, I have proceeded with downloading and then installing a GNU/Linux (Fedora) operating system. And here is when the story for this post begins. Enjoy ;-)

I used Microsoft products for many years. I was raised on Windows XP which I left only for a little while to try out Windows Vista, which I didn't like so I came back to XP soon after. I liked it and I never thought much about it. Everyone used Windows, I never even heard about Apple... and frankly, all I ever used the computer for was to play games. Call of Duty, Hearts of Iron, Warcraft... Plus, Microsoft Office had everything I needed for school.

Now, after a couple of years of consideration I know Microsoft is done for me. I mean... Yes, I absolutely enjoyed Windows 7, (and absolutely hated Microsoft 8 and 8.1) and I still have it on the unreliable laptop, however, the more I read about Microsoft these days the more I feel like I don't want to be involved in this anymore.

I heard about Windows 10 for the first time with a very inconspicuous title "Microsoft 10 is a spyware to take all your private info!" I had a couple of conversations with people on Voat and after some of my own research here is my list of complaints against Windows 10:

  1. Privacy issues are a big turn off. In the "express installation," which will most likely be used by most of the people you are automatically a subject to constant surveillance. Here, let me tell you how
    1. By default everything you do is being reported to Microsoft as "feedback." You cannot opt out of it, you can only select "basic," "enhanced." or "full (recommended)."
    2. Cortana collects data about how you speak and what you are looking for. All of this is being sent to Microsoft. If you ever said your passwords while Cortana was listening, you better pray no one will ever hack those databases.
    3. You can encrypt your hard drive with BitLocker but guess what? Your password to BitLocker is on your Microsoft account, which means it will be send to Microsoft as soon as you click "continue." Again, you better pray those databases are secured.
    4. You CAN disable a lot of options and thus cut off what you're sending to Microsoft but even if you disable let's say Cortana, it is still sending your search history and key strokes to Microsoft: Full article Here, comment about Cortana sending information Here.
    5. How-To-Geek shows 30 ways of Windows 10 spying on you: Article.
    6. It also seems that Windows 10 will spy on your children and report back to you (and to Microsoft of course) about it: Article.
    7. Microsoft statement says: “We will access, disclose and preserve personal data, including your content (such as the content of your emails, other private communications or files in private folders), when we have a good faith belief that doing so is necessary to”, for example, “protect their customers” or “enforce the terms governing the use of the services”: Article.
    8. There are those who have a problem with camera being on non-stop, although it's hard to say so far if it is being accessed by Microsoft, or not: Article.
    9. If there would be no privacy issues, there wouldn't be articles like This or programs like This
  2. I personally dislike the new Start Menu. Before, it was a set of folders and files, and it was pretty easily accessible. If you didn't know what you were looking for and what was the name of the file/program, you just had to look around and spend 10-15 minutes to find it in endless folders. Now you have the search and some kind of folders that nevertheless won't show you what you want to find. Imagine that you forgot Microsoft Office or even Word. You only remember that there was something you could write in for school assignments. Good look finding it with the new search. And those "tiles" created for you are weird and not helpful at all
  3. Constant updates and "work in progress." You can say updates are good, right? When you have a problem you put patches and updates so that your OS could be better. Well, yes, but at the same time you don't release a system that crashes every other day and you have to wait for the update.
    1. Apps, search, Cortana, and many other things are being reported to crash for no apparent reason
    2. It was reported by some people (can't say if it's reliable or not since they haven't provided any actual, believable proof) that some of the options you turned off for privacy are turned on by the next update you install...
    3. Another thing - You are going to be notified only about the "serious" updates, which means if Microsoft won't want you to know about something, you won't: Article.
  4. Another thing is - updates are necessary. You cannot just say "oh, no. I'm fine with what I have now. Everything is working, thank you." No. The next time you close your computer the update will be installed. There is no option to turn it off (people tend to use a word "yet" at the end of this line, but we will see about that...)
    1. Technically Windows 10 Pro users will be able to defer updates, but for now it is unclear how and for how long.
  5. Windows Edge as a replacement for Internet Explorer so far seems like a terrible idea, and people seem to be turned off by being forced to upgrade to Edge... which by the way is another work in progress and is far from being flawless. PCWorld explains how IE and Edge lose numbers to benefit of Chrome Here and CNet explains it Here.
  6. Some features, like Windows Media Center, are now missing and you will never see them again
  7. By mistake Microsoft was able to forcibly upgrade your computer to Windows 10 with one of the updates: Article.
  8. Other issues covered Here and Here.

Now, I could tell you all to just run away from Microsoft and Windows 10, but I am well aware that many people find Windows a reliable, good operating system. I don't blame you. I know Apple products are too expensive for many of us, I am a poor student and I don't have couple of thousands in my pocket to go and buy a new Mac. I also know and understand that Linux is not all that appealing. I am using Linux Fedora right now, but I used Ubuntu (which now seems to cooperate with Microsoft and many question Ubuntu's future...) and Debian in the past (and Slackware for a little while on a VirtualBox) and I know that Linux is my future. I love it here and I'm not turning back. But I can't tell you to do the same.

Linux has it's own problems (Article) and I am far from telling you to install Fedora and start learning how to write in Bash. I get it. We just want to use a computer, play games, write essays, put up presentations. Linux is nice, because it's free and there are probably unlimited possibilities on how to personalize it... but it's not the easiest system on the market (although, if your Microsoft Office doesn't want to open because of some bizarre problems with your Microsoft account Here is your solution. I'm posting this because I know someone who had this problem just a couple of days ago).

What my advice is, is to not upgrade your Windows 7/8.1 to Windows 10. If you did and now you're concerned/you hate it there - downgrade to Windows 7/8.1 (you can always reinstall your computer... And if you never owned Windows 7 but you want to install it now, you can download it from Here. You probably won't be getting any support from Microsoft since it's pirated, but it should be reliable and work as good as a genuine one... but for free).
And if you like Windows 10, that's ok. Fine with me, just don't make me use it.

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