Saturday, July 26, 2014

We're going around and playing Ingress

Normally I do not do it, because I think that games and movies have enough advertisements even without some weird blog articles. This time, however, I would like to share with you something new and something amazing. It is a game for smartphones, created by Google, in real time and in real world, designed for Android, recently put on iOS also (still are introduced modifications, because not everything was working correctly the first time ...). Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you Ingress!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The War in Vietnam, political part

                We’re coming back with the Vietnam War series and today we need to cover political machinations behind the war. Subject is interesting and necessary to understand the whole conflict and reasons of the U.S.’ defeat. This outcome did not come out of nowhere. It has been huge series of actions in the world politics which made U.S. unable to win and unable to keep the war going on. I’ll try to keep it short and on topic, but we will see how it goes ;)
Soon will be another article about strictly military point of view.