Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The War in Vietnam, military part

Ladies and gentlemen. Much time has passed since the last text about Vietnam, so today I would like to go back in there. This series deserves to be completed, especially since my dear colleague suggested in the meantime its extension for another text motivated purely socially. Well... For now I said that I will think about it, but let's firstly focus on the war. In the words of Clausewitz, "War is nothing more than the continuation of politics by other means." And with the politics we are already ended...

Saturday, July 26, 2014

We're going around and playing Ingress

Normally I do not do it, because I think that games and movies have enough advertisements even without some weird blog articles. This time, however, I would like to share with you something new and something amazing. It is a game for smartphones, created by Google, in real time and in real world, designed for Android, recently put on iOS also (still are introduced modifications, because not everything was working correctly the first time ...). Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you Ingress!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The War in Vietnam, political part

                We’re coming back with the Vietnam War series and today we need to cover political machinations behind the war. Subject is interesting and necessary to understand the whole conflict and reasons of the U.S.’ defeat. This outcome did not come out of nowhere. It has been huge series of actions in the world politics which made U.S. unable to win and unable to keep the war going on. I’ll try to keep it short and on topic, but we will see how it goes ;)
Soon will be another article about strictly military point of view.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The War in Vietnam, historic part

                Ladies and gentlemen, and also the rest of you who come here. I was talking about post in subject of 1960’s and 1970’s for a long time now. Here it is then. And yes, I am fully aware that today’s topic is not exactly “1960’s and 1970’s” but I did not want to reveal everything before the right time, which has just came. Today we will be thinking about War in Vietnam, wars about freedom of people around the world and dealing with myth (which I heard so many times, I started believing in that myself) that the United States could actually win this war. Today only history but later during the week I will come back with politics and military point of view (offensives, retreats, attacks etc.). Let’s go :)

Saturday, March 22, 2014

About Auschwitz (Did Holocaust truly exist?)

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Not long ago someone gave me magazine with “The Leuchter Report” and said “I think he is right.” At first when I looked at the shown evidence, I had to agree. Everything seemed great… Yet, when I started to read what exactly his point of view was, I could not believe it. This man was absolutely certain that gas chambers in Auschwitz never operated and that whole Holocaust is just a lie… Now I would like to one more time “fight for the historical correctness” and tell you why this “report” is not right.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Historical correction

Textbook McDougal Litell "The Americans. Reconstruction to the 21st Century" version 2003, page 539, chapter 16, section 2: "The blitzkrieg tactics worked perfectly. Major fighting was over in three weeks, long before France, Britain, and their allies could mount a defense. In the last week of fighting, the Soviet Union attacked Poland from the east, grabbing some territory."

Ok. Why am I quoting this? Because I would like to clarify something: