Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Trump, Elections, Democrats

Ladies and gentlemen.
Recently I was going through someone’s page on Tumblr, and I saw an information “this page is not supporting Donald Trump.” So I thought: "ok," and then I decided I should make something similar. I don’t know why. Just because. Here you go:

I am absolutely not supporting any socialist or anyone even remotely connected to socialism. If that makes me a Republican and if that means I am supporting Donald Trump (all the other candidates are a pure joke with no chance of winning for me...), that’s totally fine. If that post will result in me losing “followers” - I can’t care less.

I came from a country which was under socialist rule for 44 years, from 1945 till 1989. World War II left us in ruin, socialism burned those ruins to the ground and destroyed the only thing that was still intact after Nazis - people’s spirits. It is now over 25 years after my homeland became truly independent from Soviets but more than half of the population still thinks same way they were thinking during socialism. Corruption, laziness, stupidy are everywhere. Therefore if any candidate will present socialist ideals I am going to oppose him whenever and wherever I can. Deal with it.

Before arguing with me please check history of Poland, especially after World War II.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Sentence or two about Facebook

                Ladies and gentlemen, I have not been active recently, I admit. I said I will… but I wasn’t. Life happened, you know? School, work, relationship… there’s just so little time for anything, even for sleep. Today I’m here just with a little observation, maybe later this week I will come back with other stuff, but don’t quote me on this.
Polish version

Friday, August 21, 2015

Shortly about movies and love

This text was supposed to be about a movie. Then I started writing about other movies. Then I moved on to the subject of true love. Then I checked what I wrote and cut off half the bullshit. Then I wrote some more. Honestly, the final text is completely off-topic, but I think it serves its purpose nevertheless. Please enjoy and if you have any questions or comments, leave them here.
This text is also Here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Game of Thrones - Simplified Edition

I made a bet with someone that I will explain Game of Thrones in just 15 minutes. Here, below is what I managed to write in 12 minutes and 25 seconds + some cosmetic changes made afterwards. Will it help you if you watched the show? Maybe. Will it help you if you read the books? No. Will it help you if you never read/watched Game of Thrones? Certainly. It's an introduction to the subject, so that you'll get hooked on the idea of what and how plays together. Feel free to shoot me some feedback ;-)
Polish version Here

Friday, July 10, 2015

Little story about working out

                At some point in our lives come this moment when we see someone physically better (Male Example, Female Example) and suddenly we feel this urge to go out there, to do all kinds of those interesting, weird-looking exercises, and when we finally go out… we notice that there are plenty of people who are better than us, and it makes us feel uncomfortable, and we feel we should go home. “Pizza doesn’t ask questions,” because “pizza loves unconditionally.” Or maybe it’s just me, I don’t know. Maybe most of you don’t have problems like that…
Text is also available in Polish

Sunday, July 5, 2015

We are fully functional and getting to work

                It’s time to give you all some explanation as to why I have been so quiet, and as to why this blog even exists. If I would have more time this past few months, we would not meet here, so maybe it all turned good…? Well… What happened, happened and now it’s time to look forward to new endeavors. I have some more texts coming this way over the next weeks, but I cannot promise how many and how often I will post them.
This post is also available in Polish.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

So be it! We are going online!

Ladies and gentlemen!

I cannot tell you how happy I am to be here with you. This is a fresh idea, with nothing to back it up for now. This week I will be moving some texts from the other Blog here, so that we have some base we can go back to.

How will everything look like?
Well... you will certainly see, if you will stay with me here.
There will be a list, some info about me, tags for each text...
You will notice that texts from the past were long, and insightful (at least they attempted to be that way). In the future I can't promise you the same. I might post something short that I noticed whilst going around usual business, I might post a poem, I might post a picture with a caption... I honestly don't know yet. I will make it as worthy as possible for you to stay here, and I hope we will work it out somehow.

Sleep tight. We have glorious future together :-)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day… for me it has always been rather a singles’ holiday than a Valentine's Day. Every year already three days before this very "important" "holiday" the Internet is full of texts about love, hearts, teddy bears, flowers, sweethearts and something else. At some point, one is just terribly sick of it. From what I heard you should love someone the whole year, not just on special occasions... But oh well...